Well, virtually speaking, that is.
I am so happy that I started this blog back in November. It has been a great outlet for me, and in the process I have met some nifty people. Blog posting has been light here for the last two weeks, as I have been working furiously on a new project. The blog will continue, but I wanted a place to be able to park my writing and other design work that didn't quite fit here. So I am moving to a new site. The DNS entry hasn't propagated yet (nerd!), but in a couple of days, you'll be able to reach the new site at www.cottage-industrialist.com. Till then, you can check it out here.
If you have subscribed to the blog using the Blogger feed, you may need to update your RSS reader. If you subscribed to the Feedburner feed, you are probably already being re-directed to the new site.
I am so grateful to everyone who has read the blog and joined in to offer feedback or ideas or encouragement. This is such a happy part of my life. I hope you'll keep the conversation going at the new site!
2 years ago